Sc和inavia 和 Sundance: Two Gaels Share Their Highlights from Jan Term 2024

Whether it was ice skating on an arctic lake or seeing the cast of "拿破仑炸药,24岁的菲奥娜·马伦和25岁的罗亚·阿米什巴尼, their Jan Term Travel courses were unlike any class they’ve ever taken.

by 营销和传播工作人员办公室 | 2024年2月29日

在威尼斯周围的泻湖中航行. 发展讽刺性新闻广播. 探索帮派生活的神学基础. Constructing a sustainable dream home—albeit the size of a shoebox.

These were just a few of the numerous experiences offered during 1项 2024. 每年,圣玛丽的签名 一月学期计划 gives students the chance to spend the month diving deep into one class of their choice. Students explore art forms or historical eras or sometimes even places; this year’s Travel Courses sent students to Tibetan monasteries, 墨西哥城的街道, 和其他遥远的地方.

Now that Gaels have returned to campus for the spring semester, 我们想听听他们的一月之旅. Here are two students whose courses took them far from home: to celebrity-studded film premieres 和 icy fjords near the Arctic Circle.


Fiona Mallon在斯堪的纳维亚半岛报道
Fiona Mallon's biggest out-of-her-comfort zone moment? “在结冰的湖面上滑冰!" / 图片由Fiona Mallon提供

Sc和inavian countries like Norway 和 Denmark are consistently ranked the happiest countries in the world. It’s a region known for glaciers 和 unrelenting winters, as well as the Danish concept of hygge,意味着舒适和满足. Something is clearly awesome in Denmark, to paraphrase Shakespeare in a very positive way. 但是? 

在…的指导下 心理学 教授 艾米丽房屋 和 Makenzie奥尼尔, SMC学生喜欢 菲奥娜·马龙,24岁 开始寻找答案吧. A 工商管理 专业,马龙 is no stranger to thinking about happiness in the workplace. 但是是什么让她的Jan Term班特别独特呢, 她说, “was the emphasis on how we can create our own happiness in  在我们的职业生活之外.”


最难忘的一天? 去斯德哥尔摩的ABBA博物馆. It was less than 10 degrees Fahrenheit outside 和 actively snowing. We had to take a ferry to get there, which gave us these incredible views of the city. ABBA博物馆也很有趣. 

最迷人的概念? The most interesting practice I heard about in Sc和inavia  was “care days.” Care days are a set amount of paid time off days each year, 政府支持, that allow employees to spend time with family or in whatever manner they wish. Compared to current United States paid time off laws, it feels so foreign! But I’d love to see this adopted for future generations. 

大部分时间都在她的舒适区之外? 当然是我们在结冰的湖面上滑冰的时候! I've never been ice skating, even on a rink, so this was definitely a learning experience. I fell a lot, but I was proud of myself for trying in the end. 

突出的记忆? 观赏北极光. It's fascinating seeing them in person because the colors are nearly as vibrant to the human eye as they are on camera.

关于新旧友谊: Traveling internationally with a group of people is such a unique experience. 我认识大学里的大多数同学, 但我们并没有真正深入到表面层面. During Jan Term, though, we all became close very fast.

最大的收获? I often want to control everything, even the things I cannot feasibly control. But when you're traveling, there are always things we can’t control or predict. While I was in Sc和inavia, I learned to let go, which has helped me now that I’m back home. I’m trying to practice shifting my perspective 和 finding gratitude in events, 即使他们没有按计划进行.


罗亚Amirsheybani '25 outside Egyptian Theater at Sundance
罗亚Amirsheybani outside the famous Egyptian Theater at Sundance 2024 / 图片由罗亚Amirsheybani提供

四十年来, the annual Sundance Film Festival has offered up the best 和 b正确的est in independent filmmaking. 导演有韦斯·安德森,妮可·霍洛夫中心,还有 圣玛丽教堂 瑞安Coogler 第一次爆发是在圣丹斯. 每年一月, 成千上万的人挤满了帕克城的街道和剧院, 犹他州, 希望能见证电影界的下一件大事.

今年, 沟通 主要 罗亚Amirsheybani, 25岁 是其中之一吗?. 她参加了由 诺里斯金棕榈奖R,教授 神学与宗教研究弗吉尼亚麦卡锡, 电影兼职教授. Amirsheybani is passionate about creating digital media; both she 和 Fiona Mallon are Social Media Assistants in the SMC Office of Marketing 和 沟通s. 所以能参加圣丹斯电影节特别酷, 她说, rubbing shoulders with actors like “Alicia Silverstone, 迪伦奥布莱恩, 和维多利亚·佩雷蒂在新闻发布会后.”

Here are a few more of Amirsheybani’s Jan Term highlights:

是什么让这个班与众不同? 这门课不同于我上过的其他课. Being able to immerse myself in the world of film while also building closer connections with my classmates was such a valuable experience. 

最难忘的一天? Definitely when I attended the 20th-anniversary screening of 拿破仑炸药. 我们是 能参加一个Q&A,也见见演员们. 

像影评人一样思考 每当我和我的朋友看电影, I’m still thinking about every facet of film analysis that I learned during this course. Sometimes, films will remind me of some that I saw at the festival. I have to stop myself before talking about them, because no one else has seen them yet!

Students at the cinema cafe listening to Jesse Eisenberg 和 Chiwetel Ejiofor
Eight feet from stardom: Jan Term students attending a wide-ranging conversation between actors Chiwetel Ejiofor 和 Jesse Eisenberg / 照片礼貌 罗亚Amirsheybani

大部分时间都在她的舒适区之外? It was certainly a new experience to network with so many high-profile film industry professionals. Oh, 和 navigating the snow 和 extremely cold weather was also a challenge at first.

在前方的道路上: Attending the Sundance Film Festival through this course led to immense growth in my passion 和 appreciation for film. I’m now considering a career in the film industry, 和 have access to so many new connections. 

了解更多 关于圣玛丽的签名 一月学期计划. 想要拥有自己独一无二的体验? 适用于今天.

阅读更多: ‘The Very Best of Us—And What We Aspire to Be’: José Feito is SMC’s Professor of the Year

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